Terms Of Service

Last updated: April 27th, 2022


Upon Purchasing and/or utilization of the Applications, Products and Services provided by the Permanent Establishment Business designated “VenatusMC”; you hereby agree to its full extent to the Terms and Conditions established in this Document. Please, do take a minute to read through this document and establish what Rights you are entitled and obligations you are tied to.

Section I - Support

Article I - The Provider and all his employees reserve the right of admission to the use of the services offered for support in any of the platforms mentioned beforehand, especially the ones owned by The Provider. If for instance, the rules of the Discord server are broken, the Provider has the right to revoke the access to the Support servers and the right to revoke the access to services, with no refund available.

Article II - The Provider and all of his employees will not offer support upon Add-ons that are created by other developers. We are not responsible for any actions this Alien software may produce while using it, as we do not intervene in the process of creation of it.

Article III - The Provider is entitled to not provide any further updates to the products and services if he so decides to do. Upon this occurrence, the Consumer will be able to still use the software provided, but will not be entitled to receive any further updates.

Section II - Refunds

Article IV - No Refunds will be issued under no circumstances.

Article V - Under certain circumstances, a refund may be offered, only to the discretion of the team and the Founder Himself. No one other than Founders are allowed to offer a refund, therefore any offerings of refunds given by any other staff member not authorized directly by a Founder, will not be valid.

Section - III Governing Law & Dispute resolutions

Article VI - The Consumer agrees that all matters relating to your access to or use of the products and services, including all disputes, will be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom without regards to its conflicts of laws and provisions. You agree to the personal jurisdiction by and venue in the state and federal courts in the United Kingdom. Any claims under these Terms of Service must be brought within 3 months after the cause of action arises. In any event of controversy arising between the consumer and the provider, the parties shall attempt, promptly and in good faith, to resolve any such dispute. If unable to resolve any dispute within a reasonable time (not to exceed 30 days), then either party may submit such controversy or dispute to mediation. If dispute cannot be resolved, then parties shall be free to pursue any right or remedy available to them under applicable law mentioned beforehand.

Section IV - Attorney Costs

Article VII - All attorneys' costs will be upheld by each party, in any and all cases.

Section V - Clause of Public Knowledge

Article VIII - This Terms of Service are Considered acknowledged by the Consumer from the moment the Consumer Purchases/Uses any products or services.

Article IX - There's no “Ignorance exception” allowed that can be fostered in any case looking for any and all refunds, rejections of use of service or any delimitations or removal of The Services Use or their integrated Services attached.